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Grand Ducato di Hassia-Darmstadt
In 1807, 1st battalion joins the French Ocean Observation Army Corps that enters in Spain in 1808.
In summer 1809, the 2nd battalion that was still in Germany is transferred in the Westphalian Army and forms the nucleus of the 2nd Line Regiment.
At the end of 1809 unit is disbanded and his remnants transferred to Hanoverian Legion.
Unit commander
1806 : Colonel Charles Antoine Frederick Meinrad Fidele Prince de Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
1808 : Valence
Prussian cut short tailed coat in white cloth with closed lapels. Scarlet collar. White shoulder straps piped scarlet. White lapels piped scarlet. Scarlet Swedish cuffs. Scarlet turnbacks. Brass buttons.
White waistcoat and breeches. Black gaiters. In service dress, white trousers.
Black felt shako with black leather top and bottom band. Brass rhomboid plate. Ball pompon in company colour with tricolour French cockade. Black leather peak and brass chinscales.
White leatherwork. Black cartridge pouch.
Centre companies’ dress. Scarlet epaulets. Scarlet plume, cords and flounders. Infantry sabre with scarlet sabre strap.
Centre companies’ dress. Green epaulets with scarlet crescent. Yellow plume with scarlet tip, yellow pompon and green cords and flounders. Infantry sabre with green sabre strap.
Troopers dress with long tails and gold or gilded ornaments. Gold rank epaulets. Gilded gorget bearing white imperial eagle. Gold top band and side chevrons on shako. Black boots with leather top. Black leather sword belt, sword with gilded hilt and black leather scabbard with gilded fittings.
Drummers and hornists
Troopers’ dress with yellow lace on collar and yellow chevrons on both arms.
The four battalions are granted in 1807 with a flag without eagle of Challiot type with hollow corner wrath. On the obverse :
And on reverse :
Painted in gold letters.

Depuis l’époque la plus reculée, l’infanterie saxonne porta un habit gris ; puis, ce fut le rouge qui devint la couleur fondamentale de l’uniforme jusqu’en 1734 : à cette date, elle fut habillée de blanc, et les régiments reçurent des couleurs distinctives variées. La réorganisation qui suivit la guerre de Sept Ans amena des modifications nouvelles : l’habit resta blanc, sauf pour les grenadiers de la Garde ; retroussis de la couleur du fond ; col, revers, parements de la couleur distinctive ; culotte collante blanche ; guêtres noires en forme de bottes hongroises ; cravate rouge ; chapeau bordé de blanc et pompon de couleur. Le bonnet à plaque des grenadiers, garni par derrière d’une doublure de couleur, fut remplacé par le bonnet à poil garni sur le devant d’un frontail métallique. Les officiers reçurent une cocarde blanche, sur leur chapeau brodé d’or ou d’argent : leur cravate fut blanche et leur hausse-col porta les initiales du Prince Electeur sur un fond en velours de couleur ; l’écharpe, argent ou or, était nouée sur le côté.
Les grenadiers de la Garde conservèrent l’habit rouge à distinctions jaunes : ils l’ont gardé jusqu’à leur dissolution en 1848. Les régiments d’infanterie, par groupe de deux, avaient la même couleur distinctive et ne se différenciaient que par le bouton, jaune dans l’un des régiments, et blanc dans l’autre : ces couleurs étaient le rouge garance, le bleu clair, le bleu foncé, le jaune, le vert pré et le rouge pourpre.
Cette tenue subit peu de changements jusqu’en 1810 ; elle suivit seulement la mode, pour la coupe générale des vêtements : ainsi, le col devint plus haut, l’habit fut plus dégagé par devant, le chapeau plus arrondi, la queue plus courte. En 1793, on créa dans chaque compagnie un groupe de "tirailleurs", composé d’un sous-officier et de huit hommes : ils se distinguaient par un plumet vert sur le chapeau.
Un nouveau changement de tenue eut lieu en 1810 : l’habit prit des revers droits descendant carrément jusqu’à la ceinture ; les retroussis, ainsi que les pattes d’épaule, reçoivent un passepoil à la couleur du régiment ; culotte de drap blanc, courtes guêtres noires, cravate rouge, shako à garniture de cuivre et à jugulaires d’écailles de même métal, cocarde blanche, pompon à la couleur du corps et cordons blancs au shako. Les grenadiers ont cordon et plumet rouges. L’habit des officiers a des basques plus longues, les épaulettes sont du modèle français, le hausse-col est porté comme insigne de service ; enfin la culotte blanche entre dans des bottes montant jusqu’au genou.
Infanterie légère et Chasseurs
On forma en 1809 avec les tirailleurs existant dans les compagnies d’infanterie un corps d’infanterie légère, et un peu plus tard, dans le courant de la même année, un corps de chasseurs : tous deux reçurent l’habit vert foncé à parties distinctives noires passepoilées de rouge et à boutons jaunes, de la coupe de celui de l’infanterie. Dans l’infanterie légère, le shako avait des cordons et un plumet verts, et était garni d’une plaque ; chez les chasseurs, les cordons du shako orné d’un cor de chasse étaient blancs, et le pompon vert ; fourniment noir pour les deux corps. La réunion du vert, du noir et du rouge est restée constamment la caractéristique des troupes légères saxonnes.
L’infanterie légère fut portée à la force de deux régiments ; le corps des chasseurs forma un unique bataillon, commandé par un major.

Granducato di Cleves e Berg
Grand-duché de Clèves et de Berg
Some military units, as for example the Bavarian 12th line infantry regiment, came with the territories used to create the grand duchy. These units were amalgamated in the 1st Berg infantry regiment raised on 24 April 1806 in Düsseldorf, with a strength of four battalions of eight companies each of 100 men.
The regiment is reorganized in August 1806 along French system and divided to raise a second regiment. Each is composed of three battalions of six companies (of which two were elites) that had :
1 Captain
1 Lieutenant
1 Second lieutenant
1 Sergeant-major
4 Sergeants
1 Fourier
6 Corporals
2 Sappers
2 Drummers
121 Men
They share a common reserve battalion of four companies where recruits were trained.
A third regiment is raised in October 1808 with same strength. In August 1811 the first three regiments were reduced to two battalions and released cadres used to raised a fourth regiment composed as the others with two war battalions of eight companies (of which two were elites) each of 120 men, and a reserve company.
The first regiments took part in the Prussian campaign in 1807 and to the Peninsula war between 1808 and 1811 along with the second. Third regiment was posted in Germany during the Austrian campaign in 1809. Finally all four regiments were sent in Russian in 1812, each reinforced by an artillery battery of two 6pdrs guns.
Only the first two regiments were reraised in 1813, using the few soldiers that escaped Russia and Spain, but they took no active part in the 1813 campaign.
White coat with short tails. Light blue collar piped white. Blue shoulder straps piped white. Blue squared lapels piped white hooked down to the waist. Regimental cuffs :
1st blue piped white, white flaps (trident shaped 3 buttons) piped blue.
2e Pointed, blue piped white.
3e blue piped white, blue flaps (trident shaped 3 buttons) piped white.
4e Rounded, blue piped white.
Blue turnbacks and horizontal pockets simulated by a blue piping. Brass buttons for 1st and 2nd regiments and white metal ones for 3rd and 4th.
White jersey breeches and black short gaiter and shoes.
Grey or brown overcoat, collar bearing light blue patches.
Black felt shako with black leather top and base band, bearing either a brass oval shaped plate stamped with Berg lion or with a crowned J cipher or a brass rhomboid plate stamped with French eagle. Light blue pompon over white cockade with red centre and white strap. In full dress, white cords and flounders. Black leather peak and brass chinscales that miss on nearly all paintings.
3rd regiment fusiliers had a light blue plume until 1811.
White leatherwork. Black leather cartridge pouch bearing a brass oval shaped plate stamped with Berg lion or crowned J cipher. Infantry sabre with brass hilt and black leather sheath with brass fittings, light blue sabre strap.
Troopers dress with red fringed epaulets. Black fur bearskin, red cloth patch with white cross. White cords and flounders and red plume. Cartridge pouch sometimes bearing a brass grenade plate. Red sabre strap.
From 1811-1812, bearskin is replaced by shako with similar fittings.
Chasseurs or voltigeurs
Troopers dress with green fringed epaulets or green with red crescent. Cartridge pouch as fusiliers. Green or green with red tassel sabre strap.
French cut coat with squared lapels and long colours distributed as troopers. Rank epaulets and shako bands in gold thread for 1st and 2nd regiments and silver thread for 3rd and 4th regiments.
White vest and breeches and black leather Russian or Hungarian boots. Gilded gorget with silver Berg lion ornament. Gold or silver thread sabre strap.
In campaign dress, light grey single breasted coat and breeches.
For mounted officer, high cuffed boots and French saddle with light blue saddle cloth laced in gold.
Black cloth single breasted coat. Light blue collar piped white trimmed with a white lace with red zigzag decoration. Company epaulets or shoulder straps. Regimental cuffs. Chevrons of same lace on both sleeves. Other details as troopers.
Grenadiers dress with whitened leather apron trimmed with (from outside inward) black fur, red, white and blue lace.
In everyday dress, light blue single breasted coat with light blue collar laced white and regimental cuffs.
White breeches and black Hungarian boots.
Regimental artillery
Plate V/33 of the Lienhart and Humbert in the Army museum of Rastatt shows the dress of an artillerymen that likely belongs to a regimental battery :
Troopers dress with scarlet collar, white lapels piped scarlet and scarlet cuffs with white flaps piped scarlet. White overalls and black gaiters. Shako without plate and scarlet ball pompon cords and flounders.
Grand-duché de Clèves et de Berg
Période 1813-1815
In autumn 1813 as the duchy was returned to Prussia, both regiments were reorganized along Prussian lines with three battalion, one of fusiliers and two of musketeers. In addition the regiment comprised one company of voluntary jaegers.
Berg also raised a battalion of grenadiers of two companies.
These new units took part in the campaigns of 1814 and, after being transferred in the Prussian army as 28th (1st regiment) and 29th (grenadiers and 2nd regiment) Line Infantry Regiments, in the Belgium campaign.
Fusiliers and musketeers
White double breasted coat closed by two rows of eight buttons. Collar in battalion colour (1st yellow, 2nd white, 3rd red, 4th peach). Blue shoulder straps. Swedish cuffs in battalion colour bearing two buttons. Scarlet turnbacks. White metal buttons.
Jersey breeches. Black short gaiters.
Black felt shako with white-blue-white cockade.
White leatherwork. Black leather cartridge pouch.
Voluntary jaegers
Green single breasted coat closed by a row of eight buttons. Red collar bearing two buttonhole laces. Red shoulder straps. Red piping on front of coat. Red Swedish cuffs. Red turnbacks. Brass buttons.
Grey cloth trousers with two red side band over black boots.
Black felt shako with black leather top and base band, bearing a large brass cross. Short pale green plume. Pale green cords and flounders. Brass chinscales and black leather peak.
Black leatherwork. Black leather cartridge pouch. Jaeger sabre with brass hilt and black leather sheath with brass fittings.
White coat with short tails. Scarlet collar. Dark blue shoulder straps piped red. Dark blue squared lapels piped red hooked down to the waist bearing yellow buttonholes laces. Scarlet cuffs with white flaps (rectangular 3 buttons) piped scarlet. Scarlet turnbacks. Brass buttons.
White jersey breeches and black short gaiter and shoes.
Black felt shako with black leather top and base band, bearing a brass shield plate. Black plume and scarlet pompon over white cockade with light blue centre. Yellow cords and flounders. Black leather peak with brass strengthening and brass chinscales.
White leatherwork. Black leather cartridge pouch bearing a brass grenade plate. Infantry sabre with brass hilt and black leather sheath with brass fittings, scarlet sabre strap.
Light-horses lancers regiment of the grand duke of Berg
The « light horse regiment of the duke of Berg » was raised by decree of May 21 1807 around a nucleus of German speaking volunteers, officers and NCOs, from various French cavalry regiments posted in France or Italy. It used the classical French establishment of one depot squadron and four war squadrons of 87 horsemen each. The 1st company was entitled as « Body Guard » of Murat.
In the spring of 1808, the Body Guard company was sent in Spain. When Murat was promoted as king of Naples, the company was at first administratively attached to the imperial Guard cavalry and finally disbanded on January 11 1809 his strength being transferred to the imperial Guard horse grenadiers and chasseurs or to the newly raised Berg chasseurs.
In fact the new governor of the duchy decided, by decree of August 29 1808 to raise a « regiment of mounted chasseurs of Berg » using the cadres of the companies that stayed in the duchy. The new regiment was posted to the army of Germany during the Austrian campaign.
The decree of December 17 1809 renamed the chasseurs as « regiment of lancers of Berg » and the first two squadrons were sent to the Peninsula in the spring of 1810.
In 1811, regiment is augmented to six squadrons, three in Spain and three in Germany.
Following the decree of March 4 1812, the latter are transferred to a new regiment, the 2nd lancers of Berg, the former so becoming the 1st regiment of the branch. Finally both were renamed « regiments of light horses lancers of Berg ». The 2nd one takes part to the Russian campaign.
In 1813, the few horsemen that escaped Russia were amalgamated with the ones called back from Spain to raise a « lancers of Berg brigade » that fight at Dresden and Leipzig battles.
The Prussian rulers used the few strength they found in the duchy to raise a « hussars of Berg regiment », of four hussars and one voluntary jaegers squadrons. On April 20 1815, the regiment was transferred to the Prussian army as 11th hussars regiment and as such took part in the Belgium campaign.
Light horses 1807-1808
Light horses
Polish style coat (kurtka) in white cloth. Light crimson collar. White fringed epaulets. Light crimson lapels. Light crimson pointed cuffs. Light crimson turnbacks and vertical pockets simulated by a light crimson piping. White metal buttons.
In field dress, light grey single breasted coat with light crimson collar and cuffs and same ornaments.
Light crimson polish style trousers with double white side band. Black light boots.
In field dress, grey cloth overalls with leather inserts and light crimson side band.
Czapska with light crimson cloth top piped and laced white and black leather crown bearing a brass sunrays plate with silvered centre bearing a brass crowned J cipher. White plume over white cockade with light crimson centre. White cords and flounders. Black leather peak with brass strengthening and brass chinscales.
White leatherwork. Light cavalry sabre with brass three bars hilt and iron sheath, white sabre strap.
Light cavalry harness, Hungarian saddle with light crimson saddle cloth laced white bearing a white crowned J cipher in rear corners. Cylindrical portmanteau in light crimson cloth laced white.
Life guards
Same dress with white buttonholes laces on lapels. White thread aiguillette on right shoulder.
Troopers dress in reversed colours, light crimson with white facings. Silver lace on collar, lapels and cuffs. Epaulets in mixed white and light crimson thread.
Brass trumpet with mixed white and light crimson cord.
Chasseurs a cheval 1808-1809
Dark green coat with short tails and lapels hooked down to the waist. Light crimson collar. Green shoulder straps piped light crimson. Light crimson or green piped light crimson lapels. Light crimson pointed cuffs sometimes shown with green piping. Light crimson turnbacks. White metal buttons.
In field dress, dark green single breasted “Kinski” coat with light crimson collar and cuffs sometimes piped green. “Soubise” pockets simulated by a light crimson piping.
Dark green Hungarian breeches with light crimson Hungarian knots and side bands, Hungarian boots with light crimson trim and tassel.
Black felt shako with black leather top and base band, bearing either a white metal rhomboid plate stamped with Berg lion or French eagle or a large white and light crimson cockade with white strap. Company coloured pompon over white cockade with red centre and white strap. In full dress, white cords and flounders. White metal chinscales and black leather peak.
Leatherwork and sabre as before. Black leather cartridge pouch.
White sheepskin schabraque with light crimson wolf teeth.
Elite company
Troopers dress with scarlet fringed epaulets.
Black fur colback with scarlet bag piped scarlet. Scarlet plume and pompon.
Scarlet sabre strap.
Troopers dress with white lace with light crimson lozenges on collar, cuffs and maybe lapels.
Light horses lancers 1809-1813
Light horses
Same dress as before until 1811.
From 1812, dark green polish style coat (kurtka). Light crimson collar piped green. Green shoulder straps piped light crimson. Light crimson lapels. Light crimson pointed cuffs. Light crimson turnbacks and vertical pockets simulated by a light crimson piping. White metal buttons.
In 1813, white fringed epaulets.
Breeches and boots as before.
In field dress, dark green or middle grey overalls with light crimson side band.
Same headgear as before until 1811.
From 1812, czapska with light crimson cloth top for 1st regiment and dark green for 2nd one, both piped and laced white and black leather crown bearing a brass sunrays plate with silvered centre bearing a brass crowned N cipher. White plume over white cockade with light crimson centre. White cords and flounders. Black leather peak and brass chinscales.
Leatherwork and sabre as before.
From the end of 1809, black wood lance with light crimson over white pennon.
Saddle dress as before for 1st regiment. White sheepskin schabraque with dark green wolf teeth and cylindrical portmanteau in dark green cloth laced light crimson for 2nd regiment.
Elite company
Troopers dress with scarlet fringed epaulets.
Same colback as before for 1st regiment and czapska with red short and thick plume for 2nd regiment.
For 1st regiment, troopers dress with imperial livery lace on collar, lapels, cuffs, pockets and around waist buttons.
For 2ns regiment, dark green single breasted coat with light crimson collar and cuffs bearing five white buttonholes laces in breast and white lave around collar and cuffs.
Hussars of Berg regiment
Hussars style dress. Dark green dolman with light green braid and laces. Scarlet collar trimmed light green. Scarlet pointed cuffs trimmed light green. Scarlet wool sash with scarlet barrels. White metal buttons. Dark green pelisse with light green braid and laces and brown fur trim.
Middle grey overalls and black light boots.
Black felt shako with black leather top and base band. New blue within white cockade. Light green cords and flounders. Brass chinscales and black leather peak.
Black leatherwork. Black leather hussar belt with black leather sabretache and Prussian light cavalry sabre with iron hilt and scabbard and black sabre strap.
Freiwillige Jäger
Hussars style dress. Dark green dolman with light green braid and laces. Scarlet collar with two yellow buttonholes laces. Scarlet pointed cuffs trimmed yellow. Scarlet wool sash with scarlet barrels. Brass buttons. Dark green pelisse with light green braid and laces and brown fur trim.
Dark green Hungarian breeches with light green knots and side bands. Black Hungarian boots.
Same shako than hussars bearing a brass Landwehr cross. New white-blue-white cockade. Light green cords and flounders. Brass chinscales and black leather peak.
Same leatherwork and sabre than hussars without sabretache.
Troopers dress with gold braid and laces. Light blue breeches with gold Hungarian knots and side laces.
Royaume de Bavière
Linien Infanterie Regimenten
Line infantry regiments are composed of three battalions of which only the first two are field battalions. Field battalions are composed of one grenadier company, one voltigeur company and four fusilier companies. The reserve battalion is composed of four fusilier companies only.
Short tailed coat with closed lapels of cornflower blue (deep sky blue) cloth. Closed collar of regimental colour. Blue shoulder straps piped red. Lapels of regimental colour. Rounded cuffs with side slit piped red closed by four buttons. Red turnbacks. White or yellow buttons.
Regiments belonging to royal household (nr.1 König and nr.2 Kronprinz) have buttons’ colour buttonhole laces on lapels and waist buttons.
After 1814, all regiments wear the same uniform with red facings and yellow buttons and are only differentiated by the number stamped on their buttons.
White breeches. Short black gaiters.
Helmet with high black leather crown bearing a brass crowned oval plate stamped with royal cipher over a brass band. A small brass chain joins each chinstrap boss to two rivets on each side of the plate crown. Black wool caterpillar. On left side of the crown, between national cockade (white with blue centre) and chinstrap boss, small wool tuft of company colour (see plate). Black leather peak. Black leather chinstrap trimmed by small brass chains.
White leatherwork. Black leather cartridge pouch. White belt with brass buckle and sabre with brass single bar hilt and black leather scabbard with brass fittings, white sabre strap. In 1810, waistbelt is replaced by a shoulderbelt.
Trooper’s dress with tuft replaced by a scarlet plume. Pouch often bears a brass grenade plate. White sabre strap.
After 1808, button colour grenade patch on turnbacks.
Trooper’s dress with tuft replaced by a green plume. Pouch often bears a brass horn plate. Rifle and sabre-bayonet with steel hilt and black leather scabbard with brass fittings. Black leather powder horn with green cord and tassel.
After 1808, button colour horn patch on turnbacks.
Trooper’s dress with rank laces on collar. Special type sabre with white metal basket hilt, silver sabre straps with blue stripes.
Troopers’ dress with long tails. Vertical pockets simulated by a red piping. Rank laces in button colour on collar. All ornaments (including buttonhole laces of 1st and 2nd regiments) are silver (silvered) or gold (gilded). Large waist sash in silver silk with blue embroideries knotted on left hip ending with tassels for senior officers, without tassels for junior officers. Black boots.
Large black fur caterpillar on helmet. Sword for fusilier and grenadier officers, curved bladed sabre for voltigeur officers.
For mounted officers, french saddle with regimental colour schabraque and holster cover (red for all after 1811) with silver or gold lace and royal cipher embroidery in rear corners.
In 1812, the silk sash is replaced by a gorget as service insignia.
Drummers and hornists
Troopers’ dress with button colour lace on collar and cuffs. Swallow nests of lapel colour with button colour lace. After 1807, royal cipher embroidery (royal arms for 1st and 2nd regiments) on swallow nests. Five or six chevrons of lace on sleeves and lace along sleeve seam. Drum hoops are painted with blue and white stripes and the horn has blue and white cord and tassels.
Most voltigeur hornists do not wear sleeve chevrons.
Grenadier drummers and voltigeur hornists are often shown with drooping plume.
Grenadier dress with scarlet fringed epaulets and sappers’ badge (crossed axes) in scarlet cloth on sleeves. Scarlet drooping plume. Whitened leather apron.
Before 1814, troopers’ dress with black felt cocked hat with white stiffeners, lace and cockade strap. Black boots.
After 1814, short tailed single breasted coat of cornflower blue cloth, closed by six buttons. Gold lace on collar, cuffs and front of coat.